Cascia Hall celebrated homecoming this week, and I had the opportunity to offer this prayer for the students, staff, and faculty this morning.
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Loving God, as you know, we here at Cascia Hall have been celebrating Homecoming this week. We thank you for blessing us this week with fun activities to bring us closer together as a Christian community, and we pray that our celebrations may continue today and tomorrow with even more joy and camaraderie. Please watch over all those who will travel to our campus today. Please keep our team safe on the field tonight and help them play with a true Christian attitude. Please guide all our students this weekend that they may make good, wise, and holy decisions.
Help us all, Lord, to remember that the one true Homecoming, the only one that truly counts, is the homecoming we hope to share with all the angels and saints—and hopefully with each other, as well. For our true home is not to be found on this earth—not in any physical dwelling or at any alma mater—but only in perfect union with you in heaven. Every time we are faced with a decision of any significance, help us to discern the path that will lead us closer to that heavenly homecoming and to avoid every wrong decision that would lead us away from your friendship and love.
We make this and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.
You have made us for yourself, O Lord, / And our hearts are restless until they rest in you.
St. Augustine, pray for us.
St. Rita of Cascia, pray for us.